The Field Trip to the Smithsonian Folklife Festival

(2nd Place)
Phuong Huynh (302)

Last week, I went to Smithsonian Folklife Festival which was held in Washington D.C. I had a lot of new experiences there. While I enjoyed the festival, there were some things I didn’t like the trip.

This was the first time I visited the Chinese and Kenyan exhibitions. I ate some dumplings, which had a totally different taste from ones from my home country. In addition, one of my favorite and exciting experiences was visiting the natural history museum. There is a big elephant in the middle of the museum. In this museum, I explored rocks, mammals, butterflies, etc. I learned a lot of new things there.

In this Exhibition, I watched the lion dance in the Chinese show. I also took a lot of pictures when I walked around the festival. However, there were some things that I think the festival should improve. First, some of the people who work there had bad attitudes when I asked them some questions. Second, because this festival was held outside, it was too hot and humid when I visited there. Moreover, food prices were really expensive and I couldn’t try many kinds of foods.

In conclusion, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival was one of my best experiences in the U.S.A. The festival was held in a verydifferent way in comparison with that of my home country.