A student who engages or assists in misconduct shall be subject to disciplinary measures, including reprimands, suspensions, or dismissal, when justified, to violations remedy of this policy.
- Academic Dishonesty/Misconduct
- Students shall not cheat during exams or quizzes.
- Students shall not plagiarize; plagiarism is defined as a student presenting the work or ideas of another as his/her own in a paper, exam, or other assignment.
- Students shall not sell or purchase previous examinations or other assignments.
- Non-Academic Dishonesty/Misconduct
- Physical and/or psychological abuse, threat, or harassment
- Initiating any false report, warning, threat of fire, explosion, or other emergency
- Unauthorized use, possession, storage of any weapon, dangerous chemical, or explosive element
- Disrupting, obstructing, or interfering with college-sponsored events
- Theft of college equipment, products, or materials
- Unauthorized possession, use, sale, or distribution of alcoholic beverages or any illegal or controlled substances
- Gambling or holding lotteries/raffles on the college campus without proper approval
- Disorderly, lewd, or obscene conduct
- Making illegal copies of college software – The college software is protected by copyright. Students must not copy the institution’s software without permission of the copyright holder. Additionally, students must not install personal software on college computers or damage/destroy the software/computers.
- Prohibition of Sexual Harassment of Students
- Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome acts of a sexual nature including sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and/or other verbal or physical conduct including written communication of an intimidating, hostile or offensive nature, or action taken in retaliation for the reporting of such behavior. Sexual harassment can be verbal, written, or physical and ranges from subtle innuendos of a sexual nature to derogatory gender-specific comments about physical exposure, assault, coerced sexual relationships.
- Sexual harassment is a serious offense. As a consequence, any faculty or staff member who engages in such conduct or encourages such behavior shall be subject to disciplinary action that may include dismissal from the College. Students accused of sexual harassment will have the right to due process.