5 Things to do on Memorial Day


Craft your own Memorial Day poppy.

Come Memorial Day, red poppies are worn as a sign of remembrance. In fact, the Friday before Memorial Day is considered National Poppy Day.
While you can buy poppy pins at the store, you can also make your own with tissue paper.


Donate to related causes.

If you’ve already filled your three-day weekend with kid-friendly activities, save extra time (and money!)
to research trusted military organizations and nonprofits that need donations.
Choose a cause that’s most relevant or important to you — wounded soldiers, grieving families,
veterans with PTSD, and so on —and give what you can.


Write letters to soldiers and their families.

To your kids, Memorial Day is simply a day off from school. To remind them that this Monday in May is much more than that,
have them write handwritten notes to active American soldiers and veterans. Once your letters are complete,
bring them to one of these A Million Thanks drop-off locations to guarantee a safe, speedy arrival.


Take a moment of silence.

No matter where you live in the country, take a moment of silence at 3 p.m. local time for The National Moment of Remembrance.
For at least one minute, send your thanks, love, and prayers to active soldiers, veterans, and the many men and women who died serving our country.

Watch a patriotic movie.

If you’re still trying to wrap your head around the sacrifices that these brave men and women continue to make,
consider watching an action-packed yet heartbreaking movie like Black Hawk Down or The Hurt Locker.