2024-2025 Tuition and Fees

Vocational ESL/Online VESL

Intensive VESL $1,840 6 $11,040
Part-time VESL $990 6 $5,940
Intensive TOEFL Prep $1,235 1 $1,235

Vocational Degree & Certificate Programs

Culinary Arts

  • Major: $1,230
  • Theory: $820
6 $15,990
Associate Degree
  • Major: $1,200
  • General: $940
7-8 $25,780

Dental Laboratory Technology

  • 40 hours: $640
  • 60 hours: $960
  • 140 hours: $2,240
  • 160 hours: $2,560
6 $19,200
Associate Degree
  • Major (2 credits): $630
  • Major (5 credits): $1,575
  • Major (6 credits): $1,890
  • General: $940
7-8 $28,945


Massage Therapy

Certificate $3,120 3 $9,900
Associate Degree
  • Major (2 credits): $650
  • Major (3 credits): $975
  • Major (4 credits): $1,300
  • Major (5 credits): $1,625
  • General: $900
7 $27,415




Certificate $2,380 5 $11,900

Academic Degree Programs

Business Administration $235 $940 $2,820 $21,620
Information Technology $235 $940 $2,820 $21,620
Early Childhood Education $235 $940 $2,820 $21,620
Technical & Business English $235 $940 $2,820 $21,620

Other Fees

Application Fee $100 Including first placement test fee
International Student Fee $200  
Financial Aid Student Fee $100  
Placement Test Fee $25  
Late Registration Fee $50 After the last day of registration
Returned Check Fee $35  
Student ID Card Fee $15  
Parking Permit Fee $20 For one session
Document Request Fee $15
  • Transcript
  • Letter of Enrollment
  • Tuition
  • Statement Certificate
  • Verification Letter
Mailing Fee (Domestic) $15 / $20 Envelope / Documents
Mailing Fee (Oversea) $120  
Express Service Fee Additional $10 Next business day service
I-20 Extension Fee $50  
Supporting Letter $50  
Graduation Fee $50 Including diploma processing fee, cap & gown


In cases where the institution cannot fully deliver the instruction for which a student has contracted, it will provide a reasonable alternative for delivering the instruction or reasonable financial compensation for the education the student did not receive.

Continuity of Operations Plan

Columbia College has always been prepared, to the greatest extent possible, to respond to hazardous events. That being said, the College has grown increasingly aware of the increased number and kind of potential emergencies and their ability to disrupt operations and jeopardize the safety of faculty, staff and students. Consequently, there is a need to build the capacity to respond to events of greater depth and breadth in their ability to disrupt or even dismantle the College’s capability to perform essential functions. The College is determined to continue to develop and maintain a program that preserves, maintains and reconstitutes its ability to function in an emergency condition.

Emergency planning, including continuity of operations planning, is a critical function for the College. In addition, it is good business practice. The College must have the capability to continue to conduct certain operations during an emergency and to resume others rapidly and efficiently once the immediate crisis has passed. While the impact of an emergency cannot be predicted, planning for operating under such conditions can mitigate that impact on our people, our facilities and our mission.

The purpose of the Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) is the rapid recovery from the effects of a man-made, technological or natural disaster. The COOP covers essential College operations, schools, departments and service areas, including contracted operations. Using an all-hazards approach, the plan ensures that regardless of the event, essential functions will continue to operate and services will continue to be provided to the extent possible to faculty, staff and students. This approach anticipates the full range of potential emergencies, from those that cause the temporary interruption of a single function to the shutdown of the entire campus or region requiring the suspension of all non-essential functions and the relocation of essential functions to an alternative site for an extended period of time.

The mission of the College is teaching, research and public service. The COOP is based on the principle that during an emergency the mission of the College must solely be the preservation of health and life safety, the protection of property, the protection of research and the return to normal or near normal operations as quickly as is feasible. The goal of protecting research is to ensure to the greatest extent possible that nothing is lost while the activities associated with that research are suspended. The COOP establishes policy guidance and procedures to ensure the continued operation of functions deemed to be part of the fundamental mission in the event of an incident that threatens or incapacitates people and operations.

It is the College’s intention to ensure the continued performance of minimum essential functions on campus during a wide range of potential emergencies and to make provision for alternative facilities if needed. Ultimately, the ability to respond to and recover from emergencies affecting Columbia College’s operations depends on the training, proficiency, and health of its employees, available resources and clarity of leadership. This COOP supports employees and contractors, system users, emergency responders, local and regional emergency management agencies, and the general public during emergencies. The plan:

  • ensures the capability to implement the COOP both with and without warning;
  • includes regularly schedule testing, training, and exercising of agency personnel, equipment, systems, processes and procedures used to support the agency during a COOP event;
  • provides for a regular risk analysis of current alternate operating facilities;
  • identifies and documents temporary operating procedures which enable the performance of essential functions;
  • identifies alternate facilities for the operation of essential functions that maximize our ability to initiate, maintain and terminate operations as needed; and
  • promotes the development, maintenance and annual review of agency COOP capabilities.

The COOP contains administrative and academic department annexes that allow them, and their respective sub-departments, to define critical assets and functions. The purpose is to assist departments in formulating how they would continue to perform essential functions and preserve critical assets during an emergency as well as to increase the level of departmental involvement in the formulation of the plan. Each department is asked to provide the following information:

  • General responsibilities and functions
  • Essential functions that are critical to the maintenance of the mission when the mission is altered during an emergency
  • Emergency contact information
  • An emergency communication plan
  • Critical information assets (both electronic and hard copy), including the purpose of the asset and the person within the department responsible for maintaining the asset. The impact of the loss of the asset on the department’s ability to continue operations during an emergency was considered in determining its criticality.
  • A plan for accessing these assets during an emergency, which includes off-site storage and access from an alternative site
  • A list of essential functions that must be maintained for an extended time period. This list describes the function and the primary, alternate and second alternate person responsible for the function.
  • Description of how these functions are protected and interim solutions should this function be lost for an extended period of time
  • Departmental leadership succession
  • A list of other departments within the College upon which the department relies during normal operations and in an emergency. This list describes the dependency and the department responsible for providing the service.
  • A list of external providers upon which the department relies during normal operations and during an emergency. This list includes the product or service, the primary and secondary provider of the product or service, the providers’ contact information, and the name or names of the staff within the department that is responsible for communicating with the vendor.
  • The impact upon the College if the goods or services are unavailable for an extended period of time
  • Mitigation strategies the department will employ to lessen the impact of the emergency
  • Recovery steps the department will take to return to normal operations
  • A description of the method used to account for staff near the site of the incident and at the alternative site, if utilized
  • A list of special considerations the department may face in an emergency

Information gathered from the departmental annexes is used in the formulation of the College’s comprehensive COOP. The comprehensive COOP also provides policy and guidance to ensure the ability to restore essential functions within the recovery times established by the institution.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

  1. The entire amount except the application fee paid by the student will be fully refunded if the student chooses not to enroll before the first day of instruction or withdraws during the add/drop period.
  2. If a student decides to withdraw or drop out after the add/drop period, refunds will be made according to the following schedule:

Proportion of Total Course

Taught by Withdrawal Date

Tuition refund

Through 25%

50% of course cost

After 25% through 50%

25% of course cost

After 50%

No Refund

  1. If the school closes, cancels, or discontinues a course or program, the full amount of tuition and fees will be refunded to all enrolled students.
  2. Refunds will be determined based on the last attendance date.
  3. If a student fails to return to the program by the end of a temporary leave of absence, the refund amount will be determined based on the date of withdrawal or termination, and will be paid within 30 days from the last day of leave of absence.
  4. All refunds due will be paid within 30 days of the student’s last day of attendance.
  5. Purchased books are students’ property and they are not refundable unless they are returned before classes begin.