Policy on Satisfactory Academic Progress
All Columbia College students must comply with the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards toward earning diploma or certificate in order to maintain their status and/or to be eligible for federally supported financial aid programs. “Satisfactory Academic Progress” is a measurement of a student’s successful progress in his/her studies to fulfill the requirements expressed by the Higher Education Act (HEA) of U.S. Department of Education. All students are measured in two categories of standards: Qualitative and Quantitative. The academic office and financial aid office carry out the monitoring process of SAP to determine whether the students are making satisfactory academic progress. If the student fails to fulfill the minimum requirement of the SAP, the notification – warning letter, probation notice, dismissal notice, is issued from the academic office and the information is forwarded to financial office and each department director. Incremental evaluation time for SAP is at the end of each 10-week session, meaning satisfactory progress of a student is evaluated every ten weeks.
Student SAP Status
Students must meet the minimum SAP standard to remain in good standing toward their completion of the program. If a student does not meet the standard, he/she will be placed on the status which needs special advices and/or restrictions. Students who fail to attain the SAP still can enroll the program and receive the federal financial aid unless his/her status at Columbia College is terminated.
Good Standing
Students are in good standing if his/her cumulative grade point average (CGPA) and completion percentage meet or exceed the minimum SAP requirement.
Students are placed warning status in the first term the CGPA or completion percentage does not meet the minimum SAP requirement. The student in the warning status must meet the program director for his/her course schedule and registration for the following session. If the student successfully achieves a satisfactory CGPA and completion percentage in the warning session, his/her status is restored to good academic standing and is allowed to continue the program toward a degree or certificate.
Students are placed on probation status in the second consecutive term the CGPA or completion percentage does not meet the minimum SAP requirement. The student in the probation status must meet the program director for his/her course schedule and registration for the following session and have a follow-up meeting in every three weeks. If the student successfully achieves a satisfactory CGPA and completion percentage in the provisional session, his/her status is restored to good academic standing and is allowed to continue the program toward a degree or certificate.
Students are placed on dismissal status in the third consecutive term the CGPA or completion percentage does not meet the minimum SAP requirement. The student in the dismissal status can no longer enroll at the College or receive the federal financial aid. Students who do not complete the program within maximum time frame are also placed on dismissal status regardless of his/her CGPA.
Qualitative Standard
The Qualitative standard is the level of academic performance and is a requirement to maintain his/her student status at Columbia College. The minimum required level of academic performance is a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.0 (C) on total enrolled clock hours or credit hours. Letter grades of A, B, C, D, F, and grades on repeated courses are counted in the CGPA calculation as a qualitative standard. Failed courses (F), Withdrawals (W), Incompletes (I), audited course (AU), and courses transferred from another institution prior to the student’s attendance at Columbia College (T) are not counted in the CGPA. However the grade “I” can be changed to A, B, C, or D if the student makes up the deficiency in the course upon the instructor’s permission, and the converted grade will be counted in CGPA.
Quantitative Standard
The Quantitative standard is the total clock hours or credit hours earned and time allotments for completion. In order to meet the quantitative standard, students must complete at least 67% of assessed course work at each session. To ensure every student completes within timely manner, the College defines a maximum time frame, which is 150% of normal program length for all programs. It means the students must progress through the program at a pace that will ensure successful completion within 1.5 times the program length as measured in session. Student vacation is not counted in program length or maximum time frame. The additional period can be used to make-up non-completed hours and credits or other required academic work for graduation. Students cannot get a federal financial aid support for the extended enrollment period. Letter grades of A, B, C, D, and T are counted in the earned clock hours/credits as a quantitative standard. The letter grades F, W, I, and AU and repeated courses are not counted in the earned clock hours/credits. The grade “I” can be changed to A, B, C, or D if the student makes up the deficiency in the course upon the instructor’s permission, and the converted grade will be counted in earned clock/credit hours.
Maximum Time Frame
Students must progress through the program at a pace that will ensure successful completion within 1.5 times the program length as measured in the session clock hour system.
Associate Degree Program |
Completion Requirement |
Maximum Time Frame |
Business Administration |
70 weeks |
105 weeks |
Information Technology |
70 weeks |
105 weeks |
Culinary Arts |
70 weeks |
105 weeks |
Dental Lab Technology |
70 weeks |
105 weeks |
Massage Therapy |
70 weeks |
105 weeks |
Early Childhood Education |
70 weeks |
105 weeks |
Technical and Business English |
70 weeks |
105 weeks |
Certificate Program |
Completion Requirement |
Maximum Time Frame |
60 weeks |
90 weeks |
Cosmetology |
60 weeks |
90 weeks |
Culinary Arts |
60 weeks |
90 weeks |
Dental Laboratory Technology |
60 weeks |
90 weeks |
Massage Therapy |
30 weeks |
45 weeks |
* Coursework only. Student vacation period is not included.
** Student is charged for the exceeded clock hours or credits based on the regular tuition rate.
Review of Eligibility for Financial Aid
The Financial Aid Office determines a student’s financial aid eligibility at the end of each session (10 weeks) based on satisfactory academic progress status. Students who fail to attain either the qualitative or quantitative standards will be subject to warning, probation and loss of financial aid eligibility with dismissal. This decision is notified within a week by the Financial Aid office. During warning or provisional period, Student still can receive the federal financial aid for incumbent payment period. They must meet the qualitative and quantitative standards by the next evaluation period to be placed in good standing to maintain eligibility.
If a student who receives a federal financial aid does not meet the either qualitative or quantitative standard at the end of the second academic year, he/she will lose the eligibility for the financial aid. The student can’t enroll at the school unless he/she wishes to study without federal financial aid support.