Cancellation and Refund Policy

  1. The entire amount except the application fee paid by the student will be fully refunded if the student chooses not to enroll before the first day of instruction or withdraws during the add/drop period.
  2. If a student decides to withdraw or drop out after the add/drop period, refunds will be made according to the following schedule:

Proportion of Total Course

Taught by Withdrawal Date

Tuition refund

Through 25%

50% of course cost

After 25% through 50%

25% of course cost

After 50%

No Refund

  1. If the school closes, cancels, or discontinues a course or program, the full amount of tuition and fees will be refunded to all enrolled students.
  2. Refunds will be determined based on the last attendance date.
  3. If a student fails to return to the program by the end of a temporary leave of absence, the refund amount will be determined based on the date of withdrawal or termination, and will be paid within 30 days from the last day of leave of absence.
  4. All refunds due will be paid within 30 days of the student’s last day of attendance.
  5. Purchased books are students’ property and they are not refundable unless they are returned before classes begin.