Educational Requirement programs for Au Pair

Au pairs are for internationally minded young adults with childcare experience who live and work in a new culture providing loving childcare to a welcoming host family. An au pair doesn’t just work for a host family, they become a real part of the family, building a valuable relationship that often lasts long after the program has ended.

Host families provide au pairs with a safe home, a private room, meals, and a stipend, as well as share their culture, lifestyle, and tradition. Outside of the family, au pairs have opportunities to take classes, make new friends, and travel in their spare time.

Columbia College offers VESL classes and Associate program for Au Pair student. Au Pair Program is offered 10 weeks class. Each course is 6 credits including all assignments. Applicants can choose one of the following options.

Class Hours Period Total Hours Price Remark
VESL 7.5 hours per week 10 weeks 75 hours $550 First 5 weeks: 2 classes (10 hours/week) = 50 hours

Second 5 weeks: 1 class (5 hours/week) = 25 hours

Associate Program 1 Associate class per week

1 VESL class a week

10 weeks 75 hours $860 If students start from B session, they take VESL first and then associate degree for the next A session (15 weeks).

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