2016 ESL / Online ESL Fair for Korean
master web2023-08-25T16:36:29-04:00ESL department hosted ESL & Online ESL Fair for the Koreans on Saturday, May 14th, 2016.
ESL department hosted ESL & Online ESL Fair for the Koreans on Saturday, May 14th, 2016.
ESL Department celebrated St. Patrick's Day and birthday!
Welcome back to school, everyone! Columbia College hosted Student Welcome Day event on January 11th, 2016. Many returning students and newly joining students enjoyed cookies, chips and other treats. Morning class Evening class
The 2015 Thanksgiving Feast was held on Thursday November 19th at Columbia College Culinary Arts practice room. A special event, the Culinary Arts instructor presented to guests how to cook traditional American Thanksgiving food.      Â
The 2015 Thanksgiving Potluck Feast was held on Tuesday, November 24 at Fairfax campus and Centreville extension. An annual tradition, the Columbia College Thanksgiving event brought the students, faculty, and staff together to taste a variety of our international food, blending the traditions of the American Thanksgiving food.  Morning                    Evening  Â
[Silver Spring Extesion] Thank you for joining us. Happy Halloween!
[Centreville Campus] Thank you for joining us. Congratulations all winners!
Congratulations! The winners of the Best Costume Contest of 2015 Halloween party
Please, vote for 2015 Halloween Costume Contest on 2nd floor.
Congratulations to the winners of 2015 Pumpkin Carving Contest.