A Culinary Arts tasting exam event was held at the classroom on Tuesday, May 20th, hosted by students and instructor of CUA252 Advanced Cooking Theory & Practice B.

This event was a part of the college’s culinary arts degree program and planned and prepared by the students currently enrolled in the class as part of their final exam for the Session 2014-II.
The menu on the event were grilled goat cheese salad, mixed sour salad, beef bourguignon, Cajun chicken pasta, orange creps, baked chicken parmasan crust, and English muffin.
4 judges consist of vice president, dean, operation director, and professor participated in this event to test the dishes in several categories – taste, smell, chewing feeling, appearance, audibility, and timeliness.

This event was prepared to provide students real job field experience as well as examining their talents and skills.
Information on the Columbia College’s culinary arts program is available at its website and also by contacting admissions office at sunk@ccdc.edu and (703)206-0508.