Daylight Savings Time 2015 USA
In United States DST starts on the second Sunday of March at 02:00 AM. And it ends on the first Sunday of November at 03:00 AM by setting clocks back to 02:00 AM. DST 2015 will begin on 8th March 2015 and will end on 1st November.
What is Daylight Savings Time Day
Daylight Savings Time day is a day when people of various countries and states across the world set their clocks one hour a head of the standard time. The practice was first introduced in Europe during the First World War. The idea was to take advantage of the longest summer days by gaining an extra hour of daylight and shortening the days in winter.
For more detailed information regarding the origin of Daylight Saving Time, go to: Daylight Savigns Time 2015