Career and Student Services

Student Advisement Services provides an academic support system for students at Columbia College. This support system is designed to ensure that Columbia College students have the opportunity to succeed through academic guidance and support.

Student Advisement Services provides comprehensive support through a variety of services and programs. At a student’s request, the school can provide services such as assistance for disabled students, academic counseling, tutoring, faculty mentoring, and learning enhancement strategies.

By taking advantage of the services offered, students can experience not only academic success but personal success as well. Each service is designed to benefit the learning experience, assist with academic challenges, and help them achieve their goals at Columbia College.

Students who complete programs successfully are well prepared to find jobs related to their respective fields of study. While it is impossible to guarantee that each student will find employment in his/her chosen field at any given time, Columbia College will work with the student to help him/her find satisfactory employment. Program coordinators are also available to provide academic and career advisement to students.

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