Things to Do During Thanksgiving Break 2021

See a play at the theatre

Children are welcome! Both the John F. Kennedy Center and the National Theatre DC have performances during Thanksgiving break. You can find tickets on their website. Depending on seating $29-79.


Thanksgiving with Teddy & the Bully Bar

12-8pm Thanksgiving dinner. $68 for adults and $20 for children. Click here for reservations.


Turkey Trots Marathon

Prince William & Alexandria Register online or in person day of, $20-45.


Take a refreshing walk around the US Botanic Garden

The inside isn’t open to the public, but there are many displays outdoors to see during the break and it’s free to view. Open 10am-5pm all weekend. The display is open from November 24 to January 2.


Rock Creek Nature Clean-up on November 28 

It is free to help out the planet and clean up the creek.


Thanksgiving Hike 

Starting Location: Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium
Time: 7:30am-9:30am on November 25
Start off your holiday feast with an early morning hike! The trail is about 4 miles long so make sure you dress appropriately!


Pre-Thanksgiving Virtual Speed Dating

Are you looking for a dinner date for the holidays? This Virtual Speed Dating will help you! With $20 you can sign up online and maybe start a new relationship before the holidays.


Want to help others in need this holiday?

Haiti Relief Meal Packing is here for you! They will be packing meals to send to Haiti before Thanksgiving on November 24th from 4pm-7pm.


Montgomery County Parade

Do you like parades? On Saturday, November 20th from 10am to noon, the parade starts in downtown Silver Spring. Make sure you keep your distance and weak masks!